Autore |
Italiano |
English |
Français |
Spanish |
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S. Harris and S. Handleman |
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P. Hobson |
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L. Hodgdon |
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Marion Leboyer |
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J. Martos, A. Rivière |
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Marian Sigman, L. Capps |
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R.L.Simpson, P. Zionts |
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L.R. Watson, C Lord, B. Schaffer, E. Schopler |
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Donna Williams |
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"Nobody nowhere" |
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Donna Williams |
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S.Wiltshire |
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S.Wiltshire |
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Lorna Wing |
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"Autistic Children, A guide for Parents and Professionals", The Citadel Press, New Jersey 1972 |
"La educacion del niño autista : guia para padres i maestros", Ed. Piadós Educador. España, 1985. |
Lorna Wing |
"The Autistic spectrum, A guide for Parents and Professionals", Constable, London 1996 |
M. Zappella |
"Autismo Infantile", Nuova Italia Scientifica, Roma, 1996 |
Altri documenti di interesse generale
American Psychiatric Association, "Mini DSM IV. critères diagnostiques". Masson 1994
OMS, "CIM10 Classification internationale des troubles mentaux et des troubles du comportement". Masson 1993
Daphné Program "Code of good Practice for the prevention of violence and abuses against people with autism", Autism Europe 1998
Programme Daphné "Code de bonnes Pratiques pour la prévention de la violence et des abus à l'égard des personnes autistes", Autisme Europe 1998
Programma Daphne “ Manuale di buone pratiche nei confronti delle persone con autismo” Autisme Europe 1998
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